Today we’re giving you a sneak peek at what paying subscribers of Greg Canavan’s Fat Tail Investment Advisory are reading. Greg’s been bullish on energy stocks since 2020/21. Since that time, they’ve been a real contrarian investment. That is, generally disliked and overlooked by the broader market. While that is still the case, it’s less than it was. Investors are starting to wake up to the fact that traditional energy sources are going to be around for a long time. Read on…
Energy News: Latest Developments in the Global Power Sector
There are a significant number of listed energy stocks in Australia. They range from multi-billion-dollar companies like Woodside Petroleum Ltd [ASX:WPL], all the way down to tiny explorers with a part interest in one exploration permit. Energy stocks also include coal miners, as thermal coal is a major source of electricity generation. Uranium stocks are also included in the sector. You can break the companies in the sector down into three parts. They can be producers, developers, or explorers. The larger producers cover the whole spectrum. They usually have a portfolio of producing assets, as well as assets in the development stage and exploration targets.
Net Zero gets spaced out
Renewable energy is the path to Net Zero. But it is incredibly space intensive — it requires vast tracts of land to generate, transport and store power. Is there enough?
Australia’s Energy (Not Climate) Emergency
We have a special article for today from our Editorial Director Greg Canavan. You’ve heard a lot both from and about him recently, on the research he’s been conducting around the Net Zero Agenda. For him, it’s an economic and investment debate, not a political or ideological one. And he firmly believes that if we let this transition continue, we’ll only be watching costs rise and our standard of living fall. Read on…
Gear Up For A Post-Net Zero World!
For all the talk about the inevitability of an energy revolution headed by the Net Zero agenda, it seems the broader public is beginning to reject it. Market prices reflect the declining demand for critical minerals, while the proponents of this agenda are walking back on their marketing campaigns. Interestingly, oil and uranium are on the rise. What we’re seeing is the beginning of a post-Net Zero world…an energy revolution of a different form. Now is a good time to find out how you can capitalise on the future. Interested? Read on…
Net Zero’s Goose Is Uncooked. Now Eat It!
We have a special guest contributor for today’s Money Morning. Hear from Nick Hubble, Editor and Investment Director of Jim Rickards’ Strategic Intelligence. In this article, Nick continues our recent conversation topic — energy. Digesting uncooked food takes a lot of energy. Cooking is all about improving how much energy we get per unit of energy spent chewing and digesting. This is known as energy return on energy invested (EROI). The trouble is, our renewable energy boom is reducing our EROI. And that means we’ll be poorer.
Not Dead Yet: ‘Hydrocarbon Man’
Oil is threatening to break US$100 again. We also have diesel ‘cracks’ at roaring levels now. Diesel prices are up 40% since May. Refiners — the businesses that buy crude oil and process it — are making a fortune for every drop of diesel they can bring to the market. That gives them every incentive to keep bidding up crude oil while this continues. That’s not a great signal for the economy in general. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t make a buck from this dynamic in the stock market…