The US stock market has utterly dominated its peers around the world for a decade. But like Icarus, they are now flying too close to the sun.
More from Nick Hubble
Trump just declared a Third Opium War on China
Trump’s justification for his latest round of tariffs came as a surprise: fentanyl. But what have opioids got to do with trade? For the Chinese, absolutely everything…
Your portfolio has a new ruler
The first decade of my career in financial markets was defined by central banks. The second will be defined by geopolitical risk.
Nick Hubble is the editor for
What will the next big financial crisis look like? How can you chart a safe course through it? Which investments will wither in the process? Which could flourish?
In Jim Rickards’ Strategic Intelligence Australia, world-renowned author, economist, intelligence advisor, and Wall Street lawyer, Jim Rickards, and Australian Investment Director, Nick Hubble, set out to answer these questions for you.
They give you specific, actionable advice and ideas designed to both protect your wealth from unseen world events — and potentially profit from them.