A far better outcome than most doom and gloom news outlets predicted
All the Latest Iron Ore News and Developments
Australia is the largest iron ore producer in the world. Iron ore is Australia’s biggest export earner. In 2014 it contributed around $75 billion in export revenues, providing a major source of income for the country.
The Monty Burns Response to Market Predictions
The reality is that iron ore at current prices is a boomer. What am I supposed to be worried about?
The Third Big Buy Alert Begins
Yep, I’m bullish. I’ll show you my favourite sector to take advantage of it.
Iron Ore Don’t Glitter, But There’s Golden Profits Here
It’s just so ridiculously profitable for any miner that can get it to market at this level.
The Outlook for Iron Ore and Oil
We left yesterday’s Money Morning with the idea that iron ore would be stronger, for longer, than most think. Now we can add further to our idea here thanks to BHP. Plus, while I won’t pretend to know a thing about the current situation in Israel, what I can tell you is that, right now, the markets don’t seem concerned that it’s going to break out into a wider flare up…
Rise of the Asian Urbanite Fires This Commodity
2023 just keeps delivering surprise after surprise. Unfortunately, there haven’t been too many positive ones for us investors. Here’s a small glimmer. Did you know the price of iron ore is up 20% since May? That’s a strong signal that the Chinese steel sector is more robust than most presume.