After a solid quarterly result this US stock jumped 20%. But Murray thinks the rally is just getting started.
World Markets: Global Insights into Financial Trends and Investment Opportunities
When concerned with the global economy, it’s important to look beyond the powerhouses that are often in the spotlight, and to look at the various emerging markets operating just off stage.
Today’s biggest emerging markets (BEMs), include Argentina, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Poland, South Africa, South Korea and Turkey. Not as big, but still making impact, are Egypt, Iran, Nigeria, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, and Thailand.
Take Profits Before US Election?
With two weeks until the US election, bonds markets are taking fright at the prospect of Trump’s election. Investors shouldn’t take wild risks until the dust settles after the election.
The biggest beneficiary of $2 trillion deficits?
Yes, everyone is talking about gold right now. But as you’ll see in today’s article, there is a certain part of the gold market that is yet to get any love. That may change in the months ahead…
The Most Beautiful Word in the English Language…
With weeks till the US election and Trump’s chances getting better by the day, investors need to understand the ramifications of his policies. Also in today’s update, a look at uranium and oil.
Why China Just Changed the Course of Global Investment Capital
There is a lot of uncertainty around China right now. Are recent announcements enough to get the economy out of its slump? Watch this interview with Louis-Vincent Gave to find out
Commodity Ignition and a Monopolist about to Run
Chinese stimulus has put a rocket under Chinese stocks and many commodities. Will the good times continue?