Gold keeps running despite the strength in the US dollar. Oil is looking shaky and could collapse below USD$70. A spike in the gold/oil ratio could put a rocket under gold stocks and Murray shows you why.
World Markets: Global Insights into Financial Trends and Investment Opportunities
When concerned with the global economy, it’s important to look beyond the powerhouses that are often in the spotlight, and to look at the various emerging markets operating just off stage.
Today’s biggest emerging markets (BEMs), include Argentina, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Poland, South Africa, South Korea and Turkey. Not as big, but still making impact, are Egypt, Iran, Nigeria, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, and Thailand.
Jump into This Sector Now
A strong run could be imminent
Your Trumponomics Guide
The big players are already moving huge sums of money around the world in preparation for Trumps arrival. Bond yields are flying higher as the US dollar spikes and oil and copper are on the move.
Murray outlines all the key levels you need to watch as Trump turns the rules of the game upside down.
Last Chance to Watch the 2025 Gold Summer Series
For the past week or so, you’ve heard a range of views on gold. These are global experts with deep knowledge of the subject matter. If you missed it, today you’ll find all the interviews in one spot. But hurry, we’re taking it down soon…
My Non-Prediction for 2025
The future is inherently unpredictable. The global economy and stock market is a hugely complex machine. So coming up with an outlook for 2025 is a tricky endeavour. Which is why I’m not going to bother.
This Is Exactly What Will Happen in 2025
Making money in the markets is easier said than done. Sometimes we need to challenge ourselves to see things differently before the markets will divulge their secrets.
Murray explains why making long-term predictions about the path of markets is not only pointless but counterproductive and shows you what you should be focused on instead.