The pro-green and anti-green choices for investors
More from Jim Rickards
The Green Fraud: How Climate Alarmists Are Scamming You (Part Seven)
It’s important to bear in mind that the elites don’t care about real science. They are driven by ideology, cult-like rituals, and a hidden agenda of total control of society.
The Green Fraud: How Climate Alarmists Are Scamming You (Part Six)
Financial elites claim the climate is a threat as a basis for garnering power.
Jim Rickards is the editor for
What will the next big financial crisis look like? How can you chart a safe course through it? Which investments will wither in the process? Which could flourish?
In Jim Rickards’ Strategic Intelligence Australia, world-renowned author, economist, intelligence advisor, and Wall Street lawyer, Jim Rickards, and Australian Investment Director, Nick Hubble, set out to answer these questions for you.
They give you specific, actionable advice and ideas designed to both protect your wealth from unseen world events — and potentially profit from them.