Jim Rickards continues this series of articles on the interconnectedness of politics, the economy, and society by going outside the US and explaining how the rest of the world is also declining. In particular, Jim looks at China and Russia as ‘problem children’ that are worsening this global recession. Read on…
Protecting and Profiting Strategies in a World Turned Upside Down — Part One
Jim Rickards begins this series of articles on the interconnectedness of politics, the economy, and society and how every decision or movement in any of these spaces will inevitably affect the others. Today, we focus on the US economy and how decisions made on its behalf have negatively affected the global supply chain. Jim goes into more detail about this in his latest book, SOLD OUT!
Take a Trip with Jim Rickards — Part Four
Jim Rickards concludes his series of articles on global economies with commentary on developing economies and a summary of what he calls the ‘domino effect’. Read on to find out more…
Take a Trip with Jim Rickards — Part Three
In today’s Daily Reckoning Australia, Jim Rickards continues his series of articles on economies around the world. We continue our ‘travels’ with Jim in China, the UK, and Japan. Read on to find out more…
Take a Trip with Jim Rickards — Part Two
In today’s Daily Reckoning Australia, Jim Rickards continues his series of articles linking economies around the world. We begin our travels in the US and EU. Keep reading to find out more…
Take a Trip with Jim Rickards — Part One
In today’s Daily Reckoning Australia, analysts and investors tend to go country-by-country in their reviews, but Jim Rickards begins a new series of articles by asking the question, ‘Are we on the same planet?’ before taking us on a ‘trip’ around the world. Read on to find out more…
Keeping ahead of the Power Curve — Part Four
In today’s Daily Reckoning Australia, Jim presents his fourth and final article in his series on yield curves and market signals. Read on to find out more…
Keeping Ahead of the Power Curve — Part Three
In today’s Daily Reckoning Australia, Jim Rickards presents the third instalment of his series of articles on market signals. Today, he writes about yield curves and how to interpret them. Read on to find out more…
Playing with Fire in Ukraine
In today’s special edition of Daily Reckoning Australia, get an inside glimpse at what Jim Rickards tells his subscribers over at Strategic Intelligence Australia. With the war in Ukraine expected to go on for another six months at least, it’s important to remain aware of what’s going on, and how it can affect your investments and day-to-day life. But it’s not as simple as reading the news. As Rickards explains, the status of the war in Ukraine is best understood as a competition between the narrative and reality. Read on…
Keeping Ahead of the Power Curve — Part Two
In today’s Daily Reckoning Australia, Jim Rickards delves into what to look for on the yield curve and how this relates to future predictions in this instalment of his four-part series. To find out more, keep reading…