Dear Reader, As the rona whips around the world, some places are faring better than others. Parts of the US are still in various stages of ‘lockdown’. Some states will see another month imposed on them, says Jim. Australia is no different. The majority of states in Australia are opening up to each other — […]
Fools Rush in: Stocks Can Go Down After All
Dear Reader, It’s been the rally where the big shots sat out and the little guys piled in. While the ASX hasn’t seen the same lofty gains the US markets have, this stock rally has been different. In Australia there’s a bunch of first-time investors dabbling in the market. Some of them have done very […]
The Key to Investing in Stocks in 2020 Is Selectivity
Dear Reader, As we stare down the barrel of the New Great Depression, one of the most pressing questions investors are asking is: Is it wise to get out of stocks completely? The answer is no, according to Jim Rickards. But you do need to tread carefully. Opt for gold and cash first, and then […]
This ‘Cure’ for the Economy Could Kill It
The economy remains under lockdown, although some states are beginning to relax restrictions. As with so many other aspects of American life, there’s been a red state/blue state divide. Red states (republican) are generally more willing to reopen their economies, while harder-hit coastal blue states (democrats) are generally more reluctant to open theirs. Regardless, the […]
Heading into Negative Interest Rates — Real Rates and Nominal Rates
Last July I was in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, along with a host of monetary elites, to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Bretton Woods conference that established the post-Second World War international monetary system.
Is Gold a Commodity, an Investment or Money? — Gold Is a Chameleon
Is gold a commodity, an investment, or money?
The answer is…
Gold is a chameleon. It changes in response to the environment.
The Four Branches of Market Forecasting: Not All Are Equal
Not all market forecasting is created equal. Market forecasting involves a combination of art and science. It requires sound models, rigorous methodology, and elimination of personal bias. All three of those elements are easier said than done. If you think you have a crystal ball, you don’t. If you think you’re smarter than everyone else, […]
Dangerous Central Bank Plans Grow…
Rate cuts are on the table says the media one day.
Rate cuts are off the table, they say the next.
Will the US Wipe Student Debt?
US student loans, feel very much like a US problem.
Something that has nothing to do with Aussies, right?