Do you feel there are countless significant events developing each week? I’ve trouble following it all and digesting what’s happening. What I want to do this week is cover something closer to you and me. Just for today, I’ll set aside international conflict, political intrigue, nefarious plots, dishonest bureaucrats and a divided society. Let’s talk about our bills and making ends meet…
Australian Economy News: Updates and Insights on Australia's Economic Landscape
When most people think about the ‘Australian Economy’, the first thing that’ll often come to mind is mining and banking. Two industries that dominate our total productive output both locally and abroad.
It is, however, a little more intricate than that...
Australia is a prime exporter of many commodities. Many of which are mined, but some of which aren't. And while iron ore has certainly been our forte for a number of years now, we have quite the unique mix of materials across our vast country.
Are ASX Retail Stocks Good Value Here?
Have you made any big purchases lately? Or browsed the shopping centre with the intention of buying something nice? If you haven’t, you’re not alone. Consumers are cutting back…and retailers are feeling it. Read on for a breakdown…
Another Tyrant Bites the Dust
The announcement earlier this week from WA Premier Mark McGowan saying he’d resign adds one more to the list of hardliner leaders who brought ruin to his state and the people. While many are still concerned that there’s no end to the tyranny of the globalists who’re using governments, corporations, institutions and the media to implement their plans to change society and our way of life, these resignations show their power is waning…
You Can Make Money from This RBA Train Wreck
The latest building approval figures were released yesterday. We’re back to levels last seen a decade ago. That’s a bit of a problem when we have a record number of immigrants about to surge into the country. Read on…
Inspired by Australia’s Survival, G7 Poke the Dragon from Hiroshima
Australia’s trade war with China, triggered by the demand for an investigation into COVID’s origins, had a happy ending. The G7 has taken this as policy advice. They’re taking on China in their own trade war. This introduces serious geopolitical risk into Australian stock markets especially.
The Fed is a comedy act
Someone should tell Jay that since the June 2022 peak, oil prices are down nearly 50% (and an absolute bargain at these levels IMO). Also, someone should remind him that the US inflation rate hit 5.6% in July 2008. Six months later it was all about deflation. This is not 2008 again, to be clear.