The attempt to reach Net Zero has already left our energy systems in chaos.
It undermined our domestic gas and oil industry.
It drove Europe to dependence on Russian gas.
It drove out our domestic mining industry.
It crushed investment in new oil, gas and mining projects around the world.
It shut down the power stations, producing the electricity we need while simultaneously creating spikes in energy demand to fuel EVs and heat pumps.
It created intermittency problems and the need for an impossibly large energy storage solution.
It requires an impossible investment in a new grid to move the electricity from where it’s generated to where it’s needed.
Backup fossil fuel grids are kept on standby to rescue us from a lack of wind and sun, creating huge costs to provide reliable power.
The result is an imminent energy shortage and failing energy system on a grand scale.
Various forms of demand management are already in place, requesting people use less energy when supply comes up short.
The big question now is what happens next?
Do we return to fossil fuels to rescue the energy system?
Do we cut our economy and living standards down to size to limit energy demand?
Such were the topics of discussion in a recent interview I did with fellow Fat Tail Daily editor James Cooper for my Strategic Intelligence Australia subscribers recently.
James is also the editor of our own Diggers and Drillers and Mining: Phase One, and so is the perfect man to take us through the options of what happens next and how to benefit from them.
It was an enlightening conversation that I thought Fat Tail Daily subscribers would get a lot out of, so I’ve shared a snippet of it below.
Kind Regards,
Nick Hubble,
Editor, Strategic Intelligence Australia