Today is a holiday in the US. But here at the Irish headquarters of Bonner Private Research, work goes on. Connecting the dots…cogitating…investigating — just trying to understand what’s going on.
Macroeconomics: Global Central Banks News & Highlights
An Era of Low Returns Awaits…Are You Prepared?
The 20th century was one of great changes and advancement…especially from 1950 onwards. In the history of human progress, there was never a better time to be alive. A rising tide of prosperity lifted all boats. Sadly, we’re witnessing the demise of the middle class. In view of strong headwinds — technology and increased competition from the Asian economies — it’s unlikely we’ll see a return to the stellar growth rates of yesteryear…
Will the US Default on Its Debt? — Part Two
The debt ceiling is really a political football rather than a serious macroeconomic policy tool. In the end, Congress always approves the ceiling increases. In a way, the debt ceiling debate is all for show.
Our Response to Mr Kennedy (cont)
In a better world, the Fed would be disbanded. After all, the idea that a group of greying lawyers and economists can set interest rates for a US$24 trillion economy is pure fantasy. Neither theory nor experience supports it.
Our Response to Mr. Kennedy
‘Financial wealth’ is very different from real wealth. Real wealth must be earned. Until the 1980s, both rich and poor earned money and gained ground equally. Then, the new financial system tilted the playing field in favor of the elite.
What Would Trigger Three Interest Rate Cuts by December?
We’ve already got banks in the US going bust because they hold too many government bonds. Government bonds that are supposed to be risk free. But they certainly aren’t when central banks are hiking rates so rapidly.