Why a high dividend portfolio might be costing you big-time.
Dump Domino’s: Why the rational investor should steer clear
In today’s Fat Tail Daily, I’ll explain why rational investors should give the company a miss. Just because a company’s share price falls significantly doesn’t mean its good value.
The One Rule to Follow in 2024
I wanted to lay out a gameplan for how to think about markets in 2024. Hopefully you’ll find it useful…
Stock Prices Sale to Continue
Don’t forget, the reason for the Fed’s likely pause is because of a slowing economy.
Recession Coming…Time to Buy? — What’s Not Priced In
If there is one thing you must remember, it’s this…
The market looks forward, not backward. It prices in moves in the economy or earnings before you see it in the data and the headlines. Which is why you should ignore today’s news showing the US economy expanded by a robust 4.9% in the third quarter. The market had it priced in months ago.
What’s Not Priced In: 80% Off and No One Wants to Buy!
In this week’s episode of What’s Not Priced In, we speak all things commodities with James Cooper. We discuss how this cycle is different to the secular bear market experienced in commodities from 2012–16. We focus specifically on the carnage in the junior mining sector. James explains why this sector is the area speculative investors should be looking at to position for big gains in the years ahead.
What’s Not Priced In Special Episode: ‘If I Wanted To Destroy An Economy…’
In this special episode of What’s Not Priced In, Greg shares a recent interview he did with South Australian Senator Alex Antic that has previously only been available to our paying subscribers. With another example of the absurdity of the Net Zero push coming from AI, Greg believes it’s time to really drill into whether there is in fact a sound agenda behind this nonsensical energy transition. Enjoy…
Sneak Peek — Why Wait For Recession When There’s Already One To Take Advantage Of?
Today we’re giving you a sneak peek at what paying subscribers of Greg Canavan’s Fat Tail Investment Advisory are reading. Greg’s been bullish on energy stocks since 2020/21. Since that time, they’ve been a real contrarian investment. That is, generally disliked and overlooked by the broader market. While that is still the case, it’s less than it was. Investors are starting to wake up to the fact that traditional energy sources are going to be around for a long time. Read on…
Australia’s Energy (Not Climate) Emergency
We have a special article for today from our Editorial Director Greg Canavan. You’ve heard a lot both from and about him recently, on the research he’s been conducting around the Net Zero Agenda. For him, it’s an economic and investment debate, not a political or ideological one. And he firmly believes that if we let this transition continue, we’ll only be watching costs rise and our standard of living fall. Read on…
Net Zero…Are We Being Lied To? – Interview with Aiden Morrison
In recent weeks, Greg Canavan has been looking at the cost and implications of Australia’s energy transition to Net Zero from both an economic and political perspective. Today, Greg Interviews Professor Ian Plimer, a geologist and climate alarmism critic.