How will things play out in 2023?
This is the question gripping the financial institutions and the retail investor community alike. Everyone wants to know how they can prosper and avoid losses on their investments.
But 2023 is different, very different.
Most of you who follow us at Fat Tail Investment Research know this for a fact. As contrarians and sceptics of The Establishment, we’ve been at the edge of our seats for a long time waiting for the corrupt system to face its reckoning.
Well, even the name of this publication, The Daily Reckoning Australia, suggests this.
Indeed, it’s been a tiresome process.
We may have gone around telling our family and friends for years about how the financial system will fail, how corrupt individuals and institutions will be exposed and made to face the music, and that ‘honest money’ and cheques and balances will return to society.
No doubt many of you encountered ridicule, more often than not. However, few may’ve not only listened but even come on to our side. It’s these few that make your effort worthwhile. We can only seek to help those who want it.
And I’ve been saying for more than a year that things are turning around to a point where we’re finding out that we’re on the right side of history. After all, the globalists are fast losing control of the narrative when Twitter fell into the hands of Elon Musk last October.
Since then, a furious torrent of releases known as the ‘Twitter Files’ hit the public, revealing a longstanding coordinated campaign by The Establishment to mislead the masses on just about everything.
So where could this lead to?
We are in uncharted territory. One thing that I’m confident about is that The Establishment won’t give up power and control without a fight. And now that their plans and their hypocrisies are out in the open, the globalists are going to rip off their masks and potentially bring it all down.
I believe it’s prudent to expect them to play dirty, using their control of the financial system, which they’ve held for generations.
Market crash? Hyperinflation? Or plain old collapse?
It’s definitely difficult to foresee exactly how things will play out.
You’re talking about a complex system of interrelated financial institutions with millions (possibly even billions) of participants who wear their hearts on their sleeves.
It’s hardly a stable system. Rationality doesn’t rule even at the best of times.
Then there are big players with their thumbs on the scale. Think Wall Street firms, billionaire hedge fund managers, and activist funds that engage in nefarious and self-serving activities to profit for themselves at the expense of everyone else.
I’m sure you’ve had more than a gutful already of hearing about the shenanigans of Sam Bankman-Fried, the disgraced founder of FTX. That’s just one example to give you an idea of what crooks fill the ranks. There are hundreds of them in the history books!
At the head of the pyramid are the central banks and financial regulators, who state for the record that their purpose is to maintain financial stability and ensure fair play.
I don’t know about you, but it seems like the markets are in deeper trouble the more they act. We’ve seen for several years how market participants, big and small, hang onto every word that the US Federal Reserve releases to inform their course of action.
It has rendered our financial markets into a centrally planned system.
An open market? That’s an illusion…plain and simple.
This system is disintegrating before our eyes. But The Establishment’s bullhorn — the corporate media — still has sufficient clout. And it’ll continue to push their wish list until the bitter end.
That’s why you’re reading a lot of gloom and doom about the markets now. They’re priming you for the dump.
So, what type of crash will they try to pull off to follow through with their magnum opus, ‘The Great Reset’?
A deflationary market crash?
A hyperinflationary disintegration of the fiat currency?
Or a good old market implosion where trading activities freeze?
I loathe to hazard a guess on how psychopaths behave when they’re in ‘mutually assured destruction’ mode.
Regardless of what you think, it’s prudent to prepare for a rough ride ahead.
Minimising losses is the winning strategy
Fortunately for you, there’s someone who is more experienced than I about standing firm in a market crash.
Many of you’d know him and hold him in high regard, even if your opinions differ.
I’m talking about Vern Gowdie, editor of the renowned Gowdie Letter and Gowdie Advisory.
In 2016, I signed up for one of his services myself.
I’d been a market sceptic since 2013, after finding out about the massive fraud that is our financial system. From then, I spent a few years trying to learn everything about how the system works and strategies to protect myself.
Reading Vern’s work gave me valuable insight that helped join the dots on how the system is held (very haphazardly) together and where the vulnerabilities are. He also showed how it was possible to even profit in a falling market when most people were taken to the cleaners.
Vern’s reasoning was very convincing and made a lot of sense.
Despite it not happening in 2016–19, that didn’t discredit him in his knowledge and expertise. I certainly didn’t lose respect for him, either.
Rather, the longer the markets didn’t collapse, despite what the central banks had done to pile bandages over the system, convinced me that we’re merely building up to something more catastrophic.
Today, our financial system is groaning under the weight of hundreds of trillions of debts, derivatives, and make-believe financial contracts. Central banks are still stubbornly trying to raise rates and pull liquidity out of a system that needs increasing amounts to survive. Meanwhile, the usual suspects of The Establishment are telling the world to brace for a recession or worse.
What do I read from this?
It seems like they might prime for the financial system to come tumbling down.
I could be wrong, but I certainly won’t be taking my chances. Nor should you.
Even if you disagree, there’s no harm in hearing about how the markets could crash, the magnitude of the possible losses you can sustain if it does, and how to protect from it.
And why not listen to someone who helped people get out of dodge back in 2008?
If there’s someone more qualified to insure your portfolio, it’s Vern.
Check out his latest project, ‘Avoiding the Big Loss’, here. And hurry, as it won’t be available for much longer.
God bless,
Brian Chu,
Editor, The Daily Reckoning Australia