Yesterday, Publisher James Woodburn issued a ‘Stop Press’ announcement. ‘Due to the historic recent market price action, we are ceasing the normal publishing schedule’, he said. That means from today onwards, we’ll be sending you special updates on the unfolding market action. To kick things off, we have a special video recording for you. In […]
World Market News - Latest Updates and Global Insights
World markets are so intertwined these days — what happens in one region of the financial markets can affect another halfway around the world.
New markets in the global space are emerging all the time. And the key to growing your wealth is looking outside the box. The world is truly your oyster.
Here’s how the world market is looking at the moment…
When Even Cash Carries Risk
Investors are heading for the safety of cash. Is this the right move? Well, it’s not one completely without risk either.
Heading into Negative Interest Rates — Real Rates and Nominal Rates
Last July I was in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, along with a host of monetary elites, to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Bretton Woods conference that established the post-Second World War international monetary system.
Will the Coronavirus Be the Grisly End to a 28-Year Run?
I narrowly escaped coronavirus recently.
We left the hospital here in London with our newborn daughter just two days before an infected patient showed up, having arrived in an Uber…
Is the Rate of Diseases We’ve Not Seen Before Speeding Up?
Maybe the coronavirus is part of the acceleration of new disease. After all, we only just got through Zika in 2015–16. There was the Ebola outbreak in 2014. Before that was MERS in 2012. Then H1N1 (swine flu) in 2009. And then there was SARS in 2002 and 2004.
Is Gold a Commodity, an Investment or Money? — Gold Is a Chameleon
Is gold a commodity, an investment, or money?
The answer is…
Gold is a chameleon. It changes in response to the environment.