So far, so good. Both the rich (investors) and the not-so-rich (the middle class) are getting scalped. Sooner or later, we think, the real massacre will begin… and the Fed cavalry will, alas, come to the rescue…like Custer to the Little Big Horn.
Macroeconomics: Global Central Banks News & Highlights
Inflation’s Comeback Tour Begins in Europe, but Where Does It End?
Inflation has announced a surprise comeback tour of Europe this autumn…or should I say spring? Recent German, Spanish, and French inflation data accelerated unexpectedly, signalling inflation is not yet a has-been after all. But what would rising inflation mean for investors if it continues?
Grand Crusades and Deep State Clusters
All empires must die. In our view, the US is now in decline, and has been losing muscle mass since 1999.
Buffett’s Tailwind
We were wow-ed by a chart sent to us on Sunday by our sidekick, and investment director, Tom Dyson. We’ve been exploring how the numbers used by the feds are mostly lies and misinformation.
Protecting and Profiting Strategies in a World Turned Upside Down — Part Two
Jim Rickards continues this series of articles on the interconnectedness of politics, the economy, and society by going outside the US and explaining how the rest of the world is also declining. In particular, Jim looks at China and Russia as ‘problem children’ that are worsening this global recession. Read on…
Distort and Destroy
Inflation ain’t going away anytime soon. When it goes to more than 8%, it usually goes higher. The Fed knows this too. So, now — with its many statistical obfuscations and ideological delusions — it is committed to continuing to raise rates.