There is a deeper story at work here. Something beyond the superficial mainstream headlines. Here’s what we know: It involves gold, oil, and the US dollar. It involves control of the global financial system and the very concept of money…
Buckle Up for a ‘Pro-Growth’ Pivot — The Future of the Aussie Economy
ScoMo on Thursday afternoon. Articulating his vision for a ‘pro-growth’ agenda. It was easily the biggest takeaway from the PM’s speech. Because beyond the virus and all its immediate ramifications, long term the economy is the bigger quandary…
Three Sectors to Watch for ASX Small-Cap Stocks: Opportunity In A Crash
In market crashes sometimes the best opportunities can be found. Should things click back into place post-crisis, where might there be bargains right now? I’m looking at every single stock that exists in these sectors as potential opportunities..
It’s What Comes after the Crisis That Should Worry You…
The erosion of your wealth has begun in earnest.
Just today ABC News floated the idea that those of us still with a job should be doing their civic duty.
Warning: Don’t Trade Markets on Irrational Ignorance, Only Caution
Now if you were to look at most global markets in the last week, you’d think the way out of this mess was jam-packed opportunity. And to a certain degree, I agree. However, you must approach markets right now with great caution.
Baby Boomers to Baby Bust: Aussie Property Rules Changing with COVID–19
Before moving to Australia five years ago, I used to live in Marbella in southern Spain. It’s a place I still visit every year since my family lives there.