If there’s a turning tide in the global information war, I think it’s upon us.
Elon Musk has announced that he’s sealed the deal to take Twitter into his fold tonight.
His tweet says it all:
Source: Twitter |
Let that sink in!
Why is this so significant?
In my previous article in July (here), I highlighted the significance of the deal…let me now put it in the big picture.
The anatomy of a rigged system
For decades, a small clique of families called themselves ‘the elite’ and fashioned themselves as the overlords of mankind. Their dynastic wealth buys influence to allow them to place their people into government and institutional positions that steer society to accomplish their agenda. They quietly set up the global system into a well-oiled machine that’d slowly drain your wealth and steal your liberty, all in the guise of the greater good and ensuring your security.
Think about how they used the fiat currency system and central banks to lend to governments, compelling you to pay the interest back in taxes. They also control much of the financial markets and stock exchanges, creating the boom-bust cycle.
The education system, public and private healthcare, and the entertainment industry? It’s under their thumb too.
There’s no limit to what their money can do. Just check out the major shareholders of the largest companies in different sectors and industries — it’s the usual suspects.
They’ve appeared to have it all worked out. We’re in their system and they control the levers.
The silent war
You might not be aware, but they waged a silent war against us.
Do you know that governments, aided by international organisations and multinational corporations, declared war on their citizens?
Before you dismiss it as conspiracy theory, think about it carefully.
Governments took away your liberty, freedom of movement, your way of life, and imposed different restrictions on you all in the name of keeping you safe in a virus outbreak that’s now unravelling under the weight of its own lies.
In a true emergency, individuals still have their legal rights, and they can take their own risks in exercising them. You’re innocent and healthy unless proven otherwise.
That flipped on its head amidst the hysteria.
You may beg to differ. The outbreak was perceived as very dangerous, and the choice of one to exercise their rights and freedom could endanger another.
That’s not unreasonable.
Except for the fact that, as time passed, this argument became untenable as government officials and public figures were caught invariably breaching the very measure that they imposed or promoted to the masses.
In retrospect, the policies caused more damage to society relative to the supposed threat of the virus, which was based on flawed computer modelling.
More alarming is the wave of bombshells revealing open collusion (here and here) between the government and health authorities to sensationalise the catastrophe to create fear and consolidate control.
And what about the claimed ‘safe and effective’ vaccines that the manufacturers didn’t even properly test before distributing them publicly and trying to hide the data at the same time?
I’m sure we’ll see more revelations of unscrupulous behaviour coming out in bombshell reports.
The loudspeaker in the rigged system
And this goes back to one question…
Why did the public find out so late after the fact?
Let me unveil their most effective weapon.
To win a war today, it’s not merely mobilising troops on the ground or to detonate a nuclear device to conquer your enemy…
You win the land but not the spirit of the people. It’s a well-known ancient Chinese wisdom.
You can condition the masses on how and what to think, forming their perception of reality.
This is where the corporate media (including Big Tech’s social media) comes into play.
The majority of the public may distrust the media, but it’s still accepted (reluctantly) as the means to convey and verify news and information. After all, these companies supposedly earn their bread and butter by sending reporters worldwide to gather and analyse the latest events.
Or do they?
It turns out that they do less of that now and more of citing other sources. You can actually see this with most of your news stories. The article will cite the author inside the company and mention that they also receive information from another major outlet, most often The Associated Press.
Those who work in universities as researchers will understand what is going on. It’s a game of circular citation. This is a practice of creating a self-propagating system to boost the credibility of your views and perspectives.
Add to that social media, the proverbial town square where individuals can repost what they agree with to boost the visibility of an article or idea, and you have a powerful loudspeaker.
Effectively, this system can choose to define the accepted reality in public discourse. Likewise, it can suppress what it disagrees with.
This is how one can capture society through dominating the narrative on the perceived reality.
Like a hydra, it appears this corporate media beast is difficult to slay. Armed with the social media platforms with their slanted algorithms, it was almost impenetrable.
Go up against it and you risk being labelled a ‘conspiracy theorist’, ‘science denier’, or an ‘unhinged right-wing extremist’.
The media can weaponise itself to deplatform and discredit you, whether you’re an accredited expert in your field or a knowledge leader. Just ask the likes of Dr Peter McCullough, Dr Robert Malone, Karen Kingston, Richard Hirschman, Professor Peter Ridd, Professor Ian Plimer, and many more.
If you associate these names as ‘discredited individuals’, I’m sorry to say you’re one of the casualties in this war.
Truth doesn’t matter. The narrative does.
Pulling the plug on the loudspeaker
The good news is that in this world, truth actually has a dollar value.
This is where the globalist elites have hit a brick wall.
As their media machine consistently failed in their bid to define their reality, starting in 2016 with Brexit and the election of the 45th US President, Donald Trump, things began to unravel.
Add to that the growth of alternative media and their social media platforms like Telegram, Parler, Gab, and recently, Truth Social, they fought a guerrilla war and gained ground.
They recognised their enemy’s strategies, defeated them at their own game, and caused them to haemorrhage market value. Then they swooped in and took over the platform claiming the spoils.
Twitter is the first to fall. Facebook might be next, given that its most recent quarterly earnings crumbled, causing its price to trade at its six-year lows.
The loss of Twitter by the globalist elites is like watching their city walls cave in. The enemies will overrun what’s inside.
Soon you’ll begin to see the narrative shift. A new perceived reality will gradually gain ground.
There is a new frontier of information coming.
Brace yourself and open your mind.
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Brian Chu,
Editor, The Daily Reckoning Australia