Dear Reader,
The world is ‘decarbonising’ at a rapid rate.
Fossil fuels that powered both the Industrial Revolution and globalisation have been put on notice, all over the world.
We’re moving to a cleaner, greener future — for industry, society and our economy.
Now, however you feel about the politics of this, you should put it to one side and pay attention to what we have to share with you over the next few days.
We’re not here to debate the causes and consequences of climate change.
We want to explore the investment potential presented by this worldwide transition to a low-carbon economy.
I’ve said it several times in several places. But when I first started talking about this idea in The Insider, more than two months ago, we received more reader feedback than I’ve seen from any other email.
Some readers are sceptical. They believe fossil fuels won’t just go quietly into the night…and that our roads will growl and pop to the sound of the great V8 for years to come.
Most just smell opportunity and want us to explore that for them.
So over the next few days, that’s what we’re going to do.
Like I said, we won’t get into the politics of climate change.
But we will show you that — like it or not — this transition is happening…and what you choose to do about that over the coming weeks and months could define your future success in the markets.
Don’t believe me?
Just watch.
I’ve lined up a series of ‘Beyond Oil’ conversations to share with you over the coming days.
Each is a video I’ve recorded with one of our editors here, and a couple of special guests.
I asked them to look into the low-carbon transition from the point of view of their own investment speciality.
What does the future look like? What opportunities will it present? What are the timescales, and where should you, our reader, be looking?
You won’t be surprised to hear that they jumped at the challenge.
So, we have Sam Volkering who’s going to talk about the growth and potential of electric vehicles…
Shae Russell and Lachlann Tierney will look at the nuclear option and Australia’s vast uranium reserves…
Ryan Dinse is going to talk about battery technology and the homegrown minerals needed to support the growth in that market…
Callum Newman will profile some of the clean energy entrepreneurs making great strides in the renewables sector…
Selva Freigedo is going to cover the fast-growing trend in investment markets for ditching thermal coal stocks in favour of so-called ‘ESG’ investments…
And Greg Canavan will help us cover the big picture.
What’s happening at the government level to support this transition? What’s really driving this change? And where should investors be wary or sceptical of the hype? There’s no one better than Greg to put it all in blunt terms.
But make no mistake. This is happening.
No matter what you think about the politics of it.
The world has agreed to target zero emissions by 2050. That could take a reported US$95 TRILLION in investment — the biggest mobilisation of capital in peacetime.
All of this money has to go somewhere.
Over the next few days, we’re going to show you where some of it could be deployed, here in Australia…and what the investment landscape…society and economy could look like in a world beyond oil.
To kick off this series of conversations, I’m joined by my old friend, James Allen.
James and I first met and worked together 15 years ago in our publishing office in London. Then, after a year or two, we went our separate ways.
Me — to Australia, to help develop our Australian business, Port Phillip Publishing.
James to the energy sector — where he’d developed more than a passing interest, and a big book of contacts.
Since then, James has been building his experience and knowledge in the financial centres of London and New York.
He’s familiar to many in the energy market trading community…including CEOs from most of the major energy companies and exchanges in Europe and the US. (In fact, he’s on first-name terms with many of them.)
I caught up with him a few days ago to help us set the scene.
I wanted to know how quickly this transition is actually taking place…what the political will is behind it…how big oil is responding to the threat of renewables, and what kind of role Australia will play as this development progresses.
James has a lot of fascinating industry and market insights to share — and our conversation is well worth a watch.
Click the thumbnail below now to play the video. (It will open in a new window.)
And check back here again tomorrow for another ‘Beyond Oil’ conversation.
James Woodburn,
Publisher, Money Morning
PS: We believe these rapid fire market opportunities are a fantastic way to grow your wealth. Which is why you’ll find us talking about the big trends that can uncover them. If that is something up your investment alley, then click here to learn more.
—- Announcement of Special Event —-
Australia’s First Ever Clean Energy Investment Conference…
Join SEVEN Of The World’s Top Energy Experts As We Reveal How To Grab Your Stake In The Coming Renewables Revolution
Mark Lewis: Peak Supply — The Surprising Way Oil Dies
Michael Liebreich: The Economics of the Clean Energy Transition
Ramez Naam: The Six Trillion Dollar Disruption
James Allen: How to Grab Your Stake in the Great Energy Switchover
Simon Holmes à Court: Australia’s Clean Energy Transition is Already Underway
Eoin Treacy: Money Migration — How This Megatrend Plays Out From Here
Gregor Macdonald: Oil Fall — Three Reasons Why Fossil Fuels Are Doomed