For some industries it is already proving to be a massive opportunity… As the saying goes, ‘Never waste a good crisis.’ If you can spot the broader trends as they happen, then you can turn it into an investing advantage.
Latest ASX News
The idea of a successful investment portfolio is appealing to everyone.
However, the extremely sensitive and volatile nature of the share market and stocks make it a risky bet.
We see moves in share prices hourly on the ASX. Sometimes, even the most uninformed investors can predict these movements from a mile off.
But often there are complete left-of-field surprises that catch even the most seasoned professionals off-guard.
So, how do you become a responsible investor in the Australian share market? You’ll need more than just your instinct …
Crisis Averted? Printing Money is Hardly a Solution…
US markets rip-snorted higher overnight. The white knights of the world’s central banks were saddling up to ride to the rescue. They announced they were ready to lance the crisis with sharp rate cuts and ‘monetary stimulus’.
Will the ASX Crash? It Sort of Already Has…
ASX crash has already happened and could accelerate, with short bursts upward. The downward pressure stopped at 11:45am. Since then the market managed a short burst upward, but it is possible tomorrow will bring more negative headlines about the coronavirus and another country succumbing to an outbreak.
Why You Can Expect a Market Bounce
The question for investors is not whether we’ll get a relief rally. We almost certainly will for reasons I’ll outline shorty. But will it be V-shaped and result in the bull market continuing? Or will it be a W-shape with a few stops and starts?
Our Three-Step System for Protecting Yourself from the Negativity
What can you do to shield yourself from the bombardment of negative headlines? We think that if you remain clear-headed in this new environment, you will not only feel better, but you will be a smarter investor…
COVID-19 Hit the Markets Hard — You Can’t Quarantine a Stock Market
You can’t quarantine a stock market, can you? So you’d expect the markets to struggle. But this week’s action was a little weird.