Capitalism doesn’t care how much things cost. It doesn’t care who works for whom…what they do…how they do it…or how they share the profits and losses.
Macroeconomics: Global Central Banks News & Highlights
Globalists Self-Destructing in 3, 2, 1…
We’ve had more than just a taste of globalist schemes in recent times. To the many that cherish liberty, it seems like there’s no way out from the encroaching tyranny. For a while, I felt somewhat discouraged about the fate that the world was facing. But what made me change my perspective? It was watching this new agenda run into the brick wall of the public refusing to consent. It comes in many forms. And it’s satisfying to watch…
Yellen at the Moon
‘You can buy all the life insurance you want; you’ll still die.’
Society, to Its Own Peril, Is Missing the Big Picture — Part Two
Quick Summary: The interlocking cycles — political, welfare, interest rates, market, inflation — are all moving in a direction that, depending upon your age, could seriously impact your life cycle. Unfortunately, in my opinion, the vast majority of society, to their own peril, are missing the Big Picture…
Sleepwalking Down a Road to Armageddon — Part Two
Today we continue this series of articles from Jim Rickards, which delves into the war in Ukraine and its implications. If you missed part one of this series, you can read it here. In this part, Jim outlines how the threat of this escalating to a nuclear war is there, as well as the severe impact such an escalation could have on the world. Read on…
Seeking Alphas
‘Birds do it, bees do it
‘Even educated fleas do it
‘Let’s do it, let’s fall in love’