Coming up for US deciders is their most important decision in at least 40 years. It can be reduced to a simple question: Are we headed down the Argentine path or not? The Argentines are champions of the world at soccer. What they don’t know about kicking cans down the road isn’t worth knowing.
Macroeconomics: Global Central Banks News & Highlights
Shut It Down
We left the question hanging yesterday…like a man dangling at the end of a rope…lynched and gurgling…
The RBA Doubles Down on Theatrical Economics
No matter how you try, you can’t fight the feds. Interest rates and monetary policy, no matter how policymakers distort them, will impact your investments. That’s why you need to use strategies and systems to not only build wealth, but also protect it.
Don’t Cry for Central Banksters
An inflation-and-default prone financial system is not the end of the world. But it requires a different attitude…less trust and more caution. The money rots faster than a ripe banana. Everyone struggles to get rid of it.
Empire of Decadence
Today, we turn our heads, looking back…trying to learn from our experience in Argentina. But we begin by noticing changes in the US. TIME Magazine, for example, was once respectable and intelligent. Now look at it: ‘We Have Put Individualism Ahead of the Common Good for Too Long’
China Is Broken — Part One
After devoting recent issues of The Daily Reckoning Australia to topics such as US politics, the Federal Reserve, the situation in Ukraine, and even the threat of nuclear war, Jim Rickards comes to the biggest and most complex topic on the geopolitical landscape today — China. Today, Jim discusses how China has fallen victim to what economist call the ‘middle income trap’…