This Thursday, Fat Tail Investment Research finally goes live with a long-gestating project.
It’s our non-mainstream take on speculative AI stocks.
Five of them, specifically.
If you’ve been watching the trend gain momentum, particularly in the last few months…but have been wondering about what tactic to employ to get involved…then you should stay tuned this week.
I also urge you to watch this really enlightening conversation we recorded recently.
It’s between myself, Alpha Tech Trader editor Ryan Dinse and Tech Analyst Charlie Ormond.
It’s some really good background on the topic of AI and Nvidia.
It came out of a question I asked internally: ‘Is Nvidia eating the world?’
I consider it an ‘AI and Nvidia for Dummies’ conversation. I’m a simpleton when it comes to this stuff. And so I asked plenty of simpleton type questions to cut through the tech jargon and get a sense of what’s happening, and what might happen in the space in the years to come.
If you’re at all interested in the evolving world of tech and AI…and you’re going to consider some of the AI small cap speculations we’re going to showcase later this week…I think you’ll enjoy this conversation.
Click on the link below to watch it.
Greg Canavan,
Editor, Fat Tail Alliance, The Insider and Fat Tail Investment Advisory