he SelfWealth Ltd [ASX:SWF] share price has had a turbulent past few months — like many other companies. SWF has made a name for itself by going after the banks’ brokerage profits. With the latest round of stimulus introduced by the Australian government, it seems investors want back in with the banks
World Markets: Global Insights into Financial Trends and Investment Opportunities
When concerned with the global economy, it’s important to look beyond the powerhouses that are often in the spotlight, and to look at the various emerging markets operating just off stage.
Today’s biggest emerging markets (BEMs), include Argentina, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Poland, South Africa, South Korea and Turkey. Not as big, but still making impact, are Egypt, Iran, Nigeria, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, and Thailand.
What Happens Next? Is the Six-month ‘Job Keeper’ Hiatus a Time Bomb?
Is the economy so royally stuffed that the six-month ‘Job Keeper’ hiatus is merely a time bomb set to explode later on?
Will Cellmid Bounce Back from Its Trading Halt? (ASX:CDY)
Cellmid Ltd. [ASX:CDY], an Australian based biotechnology company, went into a trading halt on 20 March 2020 after falling to a close share price the previous day of $0.09.
Ansell Defies Downturn with Rising Coronavirus Demand (ASX:ANN)
The share price of Ansell Ltd [ASX:ANN] is surging today. Up 15.5% at time of writing. As a manufacturer of medical and industrial equipment, Ansell is helping fight the coronavirus. Producing all manner of protective gear, such as surgical gloves, for key personnel…
Don’t Fall for the Bull
This massive uptick in US stocks has me concerned. Especially when they’ve gone from bull to bear to bull in the span of less than a month. That kind of volatility isn’t unusual, it’s unprecedented. For this reason, I’d stay wary right now. Because I smell a bull trap…
A New Bull Market in the Making? — The ASX 200 On the Move
The ASX 200 is on the move. Before Friday’s trading we were up 12% from Monday’s lows. But down 28% from the highs of last month.